Showing Collections: 231 - 240 of 354
Mrs. Lizzie A. Denlinger Recipe Book
Recipe book contains recipes for baked goods and desserts compiled by Lizzie A. Denlinger. Includes some home remedies and a partial ingredients index.
MSNS Photograph Album
MSNS Students: 1892
18 photographs of students taken in 1892. Most of the identified students are from the Class of 1892.
Muriel Kingston scrapbook
1 scrapbook: 51 pages, 30x41 cm.
Newsboys' Address to the Patrons of the Harbinger
Handwritten address poetically wishing patrons a Happy New Year and promising to make the newspaper better in the upcoming year.
Normal Monthly
An educational outreach publication from Millersville State Normal School
Octoraro Canal Office Journal kept by J. Emmons.
Ledger documents the daily business transactions of the Octorara Canal Company, as kept by J. Emmons, manager of the canal, from July 1st, 1817 to January of 1824. Includes a listing of debits and credits along with the names of individuals conducting business with the canal company. The ledger was later used as a scrapbook. Newspaper clippings are attached to some pages.
Ogline family papers
Page Literary Society
Paradise Township Road Repair Ledger
Ledger documents labor activities and expenses incurred by Paradise Township, Lancaster County, Pa., for road repairs. ‡b Lists the names of men performing roadwork, the number of days worked and the amount paid for their services. About half of the ledger was used as a scrapbook during the Civil War and includes pasted newspaper clippings of poems and lyrics to songs relating to the Union war effort.